Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Newest foster! and it's a baby...

Probably just barely old enough to be away from momma. Can't tell yet if it's male or female. But, OH MY GOD, it is SO FREAKIN CUTE! I'm SO in trouble with this one....


Anonymous said...

Nice Bowie Nature Park shirt! Bun is so cute, I want it!

bunnits said...

What a cute tinybun. Oh, oh. So cute.

d. moll, l.ac. said...

OMG and aren't we just the cutest little baby agouti bunny in the the frakin' world, good luck letting this one go....

Crafty Green Poet said...

what an adorable bunny!

Christina said...

3rd pic reminds me of a chin. What a cutie pie

RG said...

Where'd it come from? Don't tell BL. Don't bring it over here.

(They got any more?)

Lisa said...

That is the sweetest little thing. He's got that little wild-rabbit look going for him!

PJ said...

I hope it grows, if it stays small, well, it's yours for certain, the perfect pocket bun.

Anonymous said...

Uh-Oh! ;)

LOS said...

FOA, if it is less than 12 weeks, use Ox-bow alfalfa hay (unlimited amount) and special Ox-boy pellets just for babies.

When you give the pellets, also give baby 1/2 TBS oats (once a day, b'fast time is a nice time) so it doesn't get runny poop.

Then start with tiny bit of greens -- dandelion green, nasturtium leaf, clover head if still around.

NO fruit!!!!! NO treats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adorable. RG is right. Don't bring it over here. (I'll come over there ... but just to cuddle it a tiny bit. I haven't cuddled a baby bunny since the Fed-Ex Bunny Quintet

But don't say anything to RG. How about tomorrow?