Our life with 4 Reno rabbits adopted from Best Friends Animal Society in 2006, and many adopted and foster buns from the Humane Society. This blog is dedicated to our beloved Jasper, Raisin and foster, Buddy, who left this earth too soon.
I have the pleasure of pet sitting Baby. She is a cute little guinea pig, small compared to most. So far I have had her for 1 week and get her for 1 more. She is easy care, but messy with her bedding. She eats just about the same thing as the buns. Had to clean her cage today, so I put her in the bathroom where she chewed on part of the door, oops. Oh well. Here she is coming out of her cage for a little exercise.
Today hubby and I went to Sarvey Wildlife Center to drop off some supplies. We have been meaning to go there for almost a year now. We brought them a huge bag of dry cat food, baby food, paper towels, fleece blankets, towels, bleach, and scouring pads. They let us go into the visitors center where they have owls, hawks, and eagles. The animals that live there are not able to be released back into the wild. They take in all sorts of wild animals, with the hope of fixing them up and releasing them. A few years ago we had found 4 baby ducklings, we brought them to Sarvey where they were fed and released when they were old enough.
We had the pleasure of being hissed at by this owl. I love owls.
Gerald started showing symptoms of his pasteurella a few days ago, so I got more medication from the vet. He only takes his medicine with a small bit of mashed banana, he loves it that way actually. Here is a pic of Gerald two weekends ago, not too often I see him relaxed, he usually runs when I am nearby. He let me get a few pics before he bolted. Bambi and Cinnamon the same weekend. I think they look so funny with their ears down.