Monday, February 23, 2009

I changed my mind, I think.

Maybe Bams (aka Bambi or Bam Bam), and Cinnamon will stay in. They have calmed down a bit and are less destructive. They have been moved from the bathroom to the guest bedroom and seem to enjoy it. I have given Bambi a digging box, but have only seen her use it once. I have put up barriers and made sure the apple tree twigs are in the living room, to try to distract her from eating the TV stand (why doesn't she chew on the OLD furniture that we don't care about??!!). They even enjoy playing in the cat tent.


RG said...

Ah Ha .. they've almost got you fully converted! all your stuff is fenced away!

YowlYY said...

LOL! I had to laugh too seeing the protective work you've done - does it work?
When I let my two out and about I have to block access to part of the living room...this is where all the electric stuff is, TV, videorecorder, DVD player, satellite box...and all those cables! Then there's the sofa, where it is lovely to tunnel in and chew - can't have them going there! Miss Eve will have a feast of destruction...

d. moll, said...

Looks like you are all set for co-rabbithabitation.

Anonymous said...

that's a great setup and yeah, it's kind of fun having the rabbits in the house. they are amazing pets... but it's a chore too

Anonymous said...

Great setup!!