Friday, January 22, 2010

We have fur mites!

Poor little aggressive bun has a bad case of fur mites. Vet says that may be the source of his aggression. He got a oral dose of Ivermectin today, and will get another dose in 2 weeks. The other 2 babies, though everyone is separated, need to be treated too. He is a sad little sight.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Poor Miss Meadow

I came home from lunch today to find Miss Meadow with some blood on her face and side. Then I saw it on the floor and her towel. Took me a minute to see that she broke a toe nail, rear left foot. Nail was still kinda hanging half way up. Yuck. Called the vet (he is THE BEST) and he said we can cut it and wrap some gauze around it to control the bleeding. Well the two adults in the house couldn't muster up the courage to cut her nail (so gross), so hubby took her in. Vet cut it and cleaned her up and bandaged her. Poor girl, gettin extra lovin and treats tonight!

We have a new problem with our problem baby bunny, he has some hair missing from his head. It's so sad. I have no idea what happened, or what is wrong. He really needs a rabbit shelter, or another foster to take care of him and work with him.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Baby bunny update

Well, the 3 babies were supposed to have gone back to the shelter by now. But we have run into a few snags. One snag is that one of the baby bunnies is aggressive. I thought having him neutered would help, and I thought I saw some improvement over the week. But two days ago he bit me so hard that I had to go to Urgent Care. No stitches, and I already had a tetanus shot, so there wasn't much they could do, but this was the 3rd bite (that drew blood, he has bitten and lunged at me before the surgery).

The other snag is that the two 'good' buns were to go back to the shelter last Friday. On that Friday the shelter emailed me and told me to wait. They are talking to another shelter about taking them; I think they are talking to Rabbit Meadows. I would love if all the buns went to Rabbit Meadows. It's just odd they they are talking to each other. Last week I had asked Rabbit Meadows if they could take the aggressive one, but they told me they are full. I still can't figure out how the two got to talking. It's been over a week now and I'm still waiting. In the mean time the buns are supposed to be transitioning to timothy pellets which I'm afraid to start because if they get adopted they could be transitioned to another brand of food.

So if a rabbit shelter won't take the aggressive one what am I supposed to do with him? If I do find a no-kill shelter that will take him, most likely he will spend the rest of his life there. If you know of a shelter, or person, that would take him and give him a good life, please let me know; I am afraid of him now and won't touch him.

Here is the super sweet JT Bunn, on what I thought would be his last night with us:

My bite. The band aid below was the 2nd bite:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bunny Ten Commandments

Bunny Ten Commandments
by Scot Leith

Bob with Rabbit Advocates refashioned a piece read by Paul Harvey about dogs into The Ten Commandments for Bunny Moms & Dads. If you're reading this newsletter, you'll know them. But perhaps there is someone new to rabbits that you could share them with? Pass it on!

The Ten Commandments for Bunny Moms & Dads
1. My life can last ten to twelve years, with good care. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Consider this before you adopt me.

2. I am not a dog or a cat. I behave like a rabbit. Take the time to study and learn why I behave as I do. When you understand me, your expectations will be realistic.

3. Please provide me a clean and safe place to live, and I will trust you. In my safe place, make sure I have proper food and water to keep me healthy.

4. Don’t just leave me in my cage. I am very social. I need supervised exercise time, and love to interact with my family. You have your work, your friends, and entertainment. I ONLY HAVE YOU.

5. Talk to me. Even if I don’t understand your words, I understand your voice when you are speaking to me. Be aware that, however you treat me, I will not forget.

6. Remember that I don’t understand punishment. Never hit me. I would have no idea what that was about. I am very delicate, and easily injured.

7. Before you become impatient with me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or reclusive, ask yourself if something may be bothering me. Perhaps I’m not feeling well. We rabbits are prey animals and hide our pain very well. Maybe my tummy hurts or I have an infection, or I’m just aging. Sudden changes in behavior often indicate a life-threatening emergency, so take me to my bunny doctor WITHOUT DELAY.

8. Take care of me when I get old. You, too, will get old.

9. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say “I can’t bear to watch,” Or “Let it happen in my absence.” EVERYTHING IS EASIER IF YOU ARE THERE.

10. Remember, I LOVE YOU.