Meadow has been living in the guest bathroom. She really likes it there. But it is a bit dangerous; she has fallen off the counter more than once. It is also too warm in the summer and has no natural light or fresh air. So with our garage sale money we got a pen, wood, tile, bricks and sheets.
The other half of the guest bedroom had to be cleared out, bed and treadmill removed (hardly used anyway). Wood was measured and cut. Linoleum was stapled to the top. Wood was laid down and 2 sheets were wrapped around it. Pen goes around the wood. Bricks keep her from pushing one side of the pen out for escape.
Before:Meadow when she was feeling destructive:
So far she is NOT happy. Bambi and Cinnamon will get the same tomorrow...
Maybe she's wondering where the toilet is....looks perfectly nice to me! :)
Interesting construction. Could you describe, please, what kind of wood and how it was cut/put together? Was it like a sheet of plywood, or was it more of a framing situation? I'm working on a plan to restructure the bun's pen inside their exercise pens in their room and your design would keep what's left of the vinyl tile intact. Thanks for the info and pics!
Looks great Laura, she's a lucky girl!
Fab Furs! I would have emailed this to you, but you don't have a email listed on your blog.
It's a 4x8 sheet of plywood. Thick enough for me to stand on and not break it. Hubby cut off 47 1/4" x 71 3/4". If you look at the pic you will see I have part of the pen open, against the wall, to make a bigger pen. The tile is stapled to the plywood, then sheets over that. So far Meadow has been able to dig and get the sheets up. Little shit. Then the pen just went around that. Let me know if you want more info.
Buns don't like change, but it's actually good for them. She will be happy soon. You did great! I'm proud of you.
By the way ... what if we needed a long-term bunny/kitty sitter? Like next summer. Any way you could live here? I'm just trying to look ahead.
Maybe you know someone ...
Well, she'll get used to it. She's just not happy about not being in her usual digs. She has great ears, by the way.
Looks like a good plan - just needing some - uh - minor adjustments? (Damned rabbits ...)
That looks great Miss Meadow. You are a lucky bun, you live indoors and you arent in a little bitty cage. Please appreciate it a bit!
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