Monday, September 20, 2010

M for Meadow

Miss Meadow has a M on her nose. No I didn't put it there, nature did. It's temporary, while she is shedding, again.
Went to a used bookstore over the weekend. Turned in books, and got some books. Actually got 4 books, 2 bunny books. BL recommended the "Rabbits Gentle Hearts" book and let me borrow it. It was a good price, so I got myself a copy. Also picked up "Velveteen Rabbit" on clearance. It made me cry.


Anonymous said...

That is too cool! I love the M. And congrats on the books score! I always love finding good books!

Deb Cushman said...

Wow! Monogrammed Bun!

Very cool books...happy reading! (And we cried over The Velveteen Rabbit too!)

bunnits said...

I love the M. We sometimes get interesting patterns in Gabby's agouti coat when she's molted.

I'll have to check out the Rabbis Gentle Heart book. It's a new one on me.

Annette Tait said...

Miss Meadow is looking so beautiful as usual, she is such a pretty and gentle doe, she always makes me smile,
please give her a cuddle and kiss from me xxx
and thanks for mentioning the rabbit book, I shall have to get a copy too, it looks great and rescues benefit from it's sale

Lisa said...

HAH! Love the M.

Velveteen Rabbit is such a tear jerker.

SixBunnies said...

My husband has forbidden me to ever read The Velveteen Rabbit again... I bawled my eyes out in the book store and was sick the rest of the day... Had to go home and hug each of my bunnies for a really long time. Oh, and Miss Meadow is just gorgeous! I LOVE BWBs!!!

d. moll, said...

Those are both weepers....

The Bunns said...

Meadow is a class act!