Why don't I believe that.
She looks healthy. Needs her nails cut. Is a bit chubby. Cute. Not afraid like many of the buns that come here. I put her in the living room. The only room that has no bunny in it is our bedroom...
No more, we are full!
Foster #1 has been named Hazel. No reason except that is the name that just came to hubby. That is how the buns get their names. Name has to come to us.
Hazel works!
Awww, Hazel from Watership Down? Cutie Pie Hazel welcome to the warren.
A bun in every room.
And another bun has a place to stay for the holidays! Yay! A buddy for Hazel!
So many buns, so little time. Please remember about the 28, 29, and 30.
It's actually a great thing to have a bunny in your bedroom. Then you are surrounded by sweet bunny energy while you sleep.
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