We have a new problem with our problem baby bunny, he has some hair missing from his head. It's so sad. I have no idea what happened, or what is wrong. He really needs a rabbit shelter, or another foster to take care of him and work with him.

Our life with 4 Reno rabbits adopted from Best Friends Animal Society in 2006, and many adopted and foster buns from the Humane Society. This blog is dedicated to our beloved Jasper, Raisin and foster, Buddy, who left this earth too soon.
sending love to Meadow and Calvin xxx
Poor bunnies, hope they both recover soon and hope you find a solution for the problem bun...
I would think it's either aggressive grooming from another bunny.. ("Oh yeah? You wanna be top bun? How do you like it when I groom you like THIS??") or mites. It took me quite a while to break Scout of aggressive grooming Sage. (Mostly involving putting chamomile tea on Sage's nose.. They were both less than thrilled.)
And as someone who got to chase a certain Dutch all over the house while she was bleeding from a broken claw.. you TOTALLY have my sympathy!!
Laura, she's so sweet looking with her pretty green bandage, just like you'd give a little human girl!
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