Our life with 4 Reno rabbits adopted from Best Friends Animal Society in 2006, and many adopted and foster buns from the Humane Society. This blog is dedicated to our beloved Jasper, Raisin and foster, Buddy, who left this earth too soon.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Little ones are home
and are all pooped out. They are all doing well. It's so cute when they are tired.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Babies are going in on Thursday!
Wish us luck! Thanks again to those of you that donated. I think you are terrific.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Baby bunny update
Well we have 3 boys, so that is good. I have received donations to cover 2 neuters, so 1 more to go. I would like to take them in soon-any little bit WILL help.
Thanks so much to those of you that have already helped out. Your kindness means so much to me.
Merry Christmas from me, hubby, 8 rabbits and 2 cats.
Thanks so much to those of you that have already helped out. Your kindness means so much to me.
Merry Christmas from me, hubby, 8 rabbits and 2 cats.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Foster buns need your help!
I neglected to tell you about the great news I had a few weeks ago. I convinced the Humane Society to change their policy regarding rabbits: making it so all rabbits are fixed before going into homes (just like their cats and dogs). I also made an information packet for them to hand out to the new rabbit owners.
That joyous occasion was short lived. Now they tell me they can't afford to have the rabbits fixed. Right now the only rabbits they have are the ones I still have in foster care. This news made me so sad. It is so important that they be altered for so many reasons: it's better for their health, they would have better litter box habits, they can become aggressive, we don't need more babies to add to the pet population, people wouldn't be able to adopt them to reproduce them for fur or meat, etc.
Here is where they need your help. I want to raise money to have the 3 babies altered. (I will pay for the momma to be spayed.) I am asking you for your donations. Those of you that donate $25 or more will get a hand made mini scrapbook (4-6 pictures) of your pet(s). You can email me for my address at kauai_sand@hotmail.com. Or you can make the donation to the Humane Society of Skagit Valley, 18841 Kelleher Rd, Burlington, WA 98233, please let them know your donation is for altering the foster rabbits. ANYTHING will be appreciated! The buns will have a better life if we can do this for them.
One other thing, if you would please: I don't have a very large blog following. Would you please post a link on your blog to mine (copy and paste my story if you want). That would be wonderful. Thanks so much! Oh, and if you have any easy fund raising ideas, please let me know.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Binky Bunny delivery!!!!
THE BEST rabbit website is binkybuny.com. I have learned SO much from them, and got lots of ideas AND they have a super cool store. At the store I got Bambi and Cinnamon a fun bun-cave. They sent a little bag of treats as a free gift.
It was easy to put together. It's two levels, but I only made it one. I figured they would use the 2nd level to escape.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
It's getting cold.
But the only rabbits that notice are Clint and Gerald. I put extra blankets on the 2nd level, and covered the box holes with a towel. Winter is when Gerald gets sick. Cinnamon too when he was outside. I always thought it was the cold, but now I'm thinking it's the dampness. Most of the rabbitat floor is covered in newspaper and straw, both are pretty damp by the end of the week.
I still have the foster buns too. All buns are separated now, too much humping and spraying going on. In a few weeks they will be fixed, at least the boys will be, the girl will be ready in amonth or two. I believe there are 2 boys and 1 girl. I gave one of the boys some old pants to dig in when he has playtime in the kitchen.
Momma is so sweet and I have named her Meadow. Thanks to advice from Fez's mom http://some-bunny.blogspot.com/, I believe I can keep her without upsetting Bambi and Cinnamon too much. Meadow lives in the guest bathroom now. Discovered she loves the counter, and pushing everything off of it, doesn't matter if it is glass or plastic. (Thank you for breaking my favorite fall green vase, that I now only have a picture of....)
I still have the foster buns too. All buns are separated now, too much humping and spraying going on. In a few weeks they will be fixed, at least the boys will be, the girl will be ready in amonth or two. I believe there are 2 boys and 1 girl. I gave one of the boys some old pants to dig in when he has playtime in the kitchen.
Momma is so sweet and I have named her Meadow. Thanks to advice from Fez's mom http://some-bunny.blogspot.com/, I believe I can keep her without upsetting Bambi and Cinnamon too much. Meadow lives in the guest bathroom now. Discovered she loves the counter, and pushing everything off of it, doesn't matter if it is glass or plastic. (Thank you for breaking my favorite fall green vase, that I now only have a picture of....)
Unrolling toilet paper is fun for a bun too......
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Baby bunnies-playtime!
Discovered the best way to let the babies get exercise is to put them on the bed (with a blanket covering the bedspread).
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Three blind, oh wait...
it's just the foster buns...
Hubby and one of the babies. Baby let himself out this morning, so I let him hang out a bit...
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I thought I lost this post
from last year. I was so mad it disappeared that I didn't redo it. But I found it today! It's late, but still important:
October 2006 is when we got the Reno buns. That first year was really rough, but we made it through. All buns are still healthy and happy, and two were successfully brought indoors.
Unfortunately so many terrible things have happened to almost all the other Reno Rabbits, at least if you believe everything you read. It makes me not trust shelters, especially Best Friends. I hate that I will never know the truth. I makes it hard to look back at the day we picked up our rabbits as a happy thought, when I really just have a heavy heart and wish I could have taken them all.
Here is a look back at Bambi, Cinnamon, Clint and Gerald's first few days with us:
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Foster buns are doing well.
Thanks to all that responded to my questions. Special thanks to RG and BL at http://houseofrabbits.blogspot.com/.
I can't tell the babies apart. But one still wants to nurse and momma doesn't want to deal with it. She keeps hopping away, but the cage is so small she doesn't get far. Oh, now 2 babies are trying to get some milk, momma won't stay still for nothing.
We already let them out to run around (damn cage had to be cleaned already). What a hoot that was. Baby binks everywhere! Sorry no pics, camera is full. Even the momma came out. She is very good, hasn't shown any aggression at all.
Thanks again everyone!
I can't tell the babies apart. But one still wants to nurse and momma doesn't want to deal with it. She keeps hopping away, but the cage is so small she doesn't get far. Oh, now 2 babies are trying to get some milk, momma won't stay still for nothing.
We already let them out to run around (damn cage had to be cleaned already). What a hoot that was. Baby binks everywhere! Sorry no pics, camera is full. Even the momma came out. She is very good, hasn't shown any aggression at all.
Thanks again everyone!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Need help-fostering mom and baby buns
Went to the shelter to volunteer today and saw a mom and 3 of her babies. Babies are said to be a month old. I asked if they needed a foster home and they said yes. I filled out my paperwork and brought them home (after walking a dog and taking care of the cats). Of course the shelter has them in a cage that is too small.
Here are my questions: 1) My book says they should not be given veggies until 12 weeks. How do I feed mama veggies and not have the babies eat it. 2) We want to put them in something larger, but have no money to buy anything. We can put them in the kitchen/dining area, but need something to contain them. Any ideas. 3) The babies should be fed alfalfa hay, but do they need alfalfa pellets too? Mommy will be eating that too, is that okay? 4) They gave the momma this horrible seed treat that she is eating, I'm sure the babies chew on it too, should I get rid of it? 5) If I give momma apple tree twigs is it okay for babies to chew too?
Oh and the rabbits had no water!
So far they are all doing well, they don't seem to be scared. I gave them a bit of alfalfa and a small towel to sit on. We have to bring them back in a month. Here they are:
Here are my questions: 1) My book says they should not be given veggies until 12 weeks. How do I feed mama veggies and not have the babies eat it. 2) We want to put them in something larger, but have no money to buy anything. We can put them in the kitchen/dining area, but need something to contain them. Any ideas. 3) The babies should be fed alfalfa hay, but do they need alfalfa pellets too? Mommy will be eating that too, is that okay? 4) They gave the momma this horrible seed treat that she is eating, I'm sure the babies chew on it too, should I get rid of it? 5) If I give momma apple tree twigs is it okay for babies to chew too?
Oh and the rabbits had no water!
So far they are all doing well, they don't seem to be scared. I gave them a bit of alfalfa and a small towel to sit on. We have to bring them back in a month. Here they are:
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Need to find a way to stop the digging
Saturday morning when I went out to feed the boys I find Gerald's face covered in dirt. Most of the dirt part of the rabbitat is covered in wood (which you can't see in the picture because it's covered in dirt), but there is a spot where there is no wood covering (because we ran out of large boards). So when they boys dig a hole I throw what ever I can find into it, so when they dig again they can't go far. It's funny (not really) because they are a tag team. One digs, then they both move the dirt, then the other digs. Good job guys, you made me late for work (yes, on a Saturday).
Look at his paw ON the bowl!
Distructo buns!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Funny bunnies
It's rare to see Bambi flopped. So I snuck in with the camera, then Cinnamon decides to stretch out his back leg, and put it on Bambi. Guess you wouldn't believe I just trimmed his nails too...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
THE most disgusting creatures
on earth, to me, are spiders. I can't stand 'em. They are all gross and creepy. A few years ago one put me in a panic attack. So last night when I went out to feed the boys I see a big nasty in a web that has just got to go. I don't kill them, just move them. Especially this kind, they are big, fat (round like a mushroom top) and very slow. I only see them outside, and in September/October. Here he is with flash and without. But I don't dare get too close. Y U C K!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Humane Society walk/run
On Saturday I attended the Humane Society fundraiser, a run/walk. I brought some friends along and we had a great time, the weather was perfect and views were great. Two of my friends that were there were RG and BL from Houseful of Rabbits. Walkers were encouraged to bring their dogs and if you didn't have a dog you could walk a shelter dog. But I got there too late and there were no more good shelter dogs to walk. BL was lucky enough to borrow a dog from her friend. RG was incharge of timing the runners (there was a 5K and 10K run).
More friends
More friends
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The other rabbitat critters
Among the spiders and large beetles there are other critters. This moth was hanging out while I was cleaning the rabbitat last week. Here he is resting on the laminant floor, but I'm sure he got his pattern from the wood he was hanging out on.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Treat for buns.
Well it was a lousy week of record breaking heat. On the hottest day it was 95 in the rabbitat, and 85 in the house. All the animals did well, including us humans because we got a window unit air conditioner. I think we are too far north to be so hot, really.
Anyway I'm still having USB issues. Or maybe it's a camera issue. I borrowed a friends dohickey to get pics off my camera. I put the camera's card in a box and the box plugs into the computer USB, and it works perfectly.
A few weeks ago I went to the $1 store and got the buns some baskets, then I went out into our weed filled yard and put some goodies in the basket. Here is Clint and Gerald enjoying theirs.
After a week the basket handles are gone, but the basket remains. Sunday, July 26, 2009
New USB cord doesn't work
Well I am now really angry and at a loss. The new USB cord gives me the same error message as the chewed up USB cord "USB device not recognized". I have done a few different things to fix the problem, but nothing has worked. I don't know what else to do, except call the Geek Squad, how much does that cost??
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Cinnamon's belly
I'm back
well sort of. Took me a while to remember my log in name and password. I'm still without a USB cord, BUT, thanks to a great friend I was able to order one and it's on the way. Thank God, because my camera is full.
So I spent a little part of my birthday, and the day before, bun sitting RGhttp://houseofrabbits.blogspot.com/'s buns. Ok, hubby helped, otherwise I probably would have spent a good part of the day feeding and cleaning 11 rabbits. Everybun behaved, not a thump this time, but I could tell, some did not like us being there.
Buns here are all doing well. Mr Pee Pee is still peeing and the 2 other cats are still outside. Outside cat Stormy keeps getting these little, round sticky balls in her fur. Some days she is LOADED with them; I brush her daily. Do you know what they are and what would happen if I just left them? I'm afraid that she won't be able to clean herself properly if they are stuck in her fur, or would she end up licking them out, I don't know. Here is a pic of Stormy from a few weeks ago, before eaten USB cord.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Call off the geek squad
The little turds (probably just Bambi) chewed the cord; but not all the way through, it's still one piece, but enough that the computer doesn't recognize it. Rarely do the buns go into the office, when they are out we close the door. Sometimes we open the door when we are in the office and it's too warm. I need some baby gates, so I can keep doors open and buns out.
Computer geek is a compliment by the way....
Thanks for trying to help.
*I think it happened when the buns broke out of their pen at 4:30am last week....
I can probably get a replacement cord, the camera is only a year old, hopefully it won't be too expensive. Thx RG!
Computer geek is a compliment by the way....
Thanks for trying to help.
*I think it happened when the buns broke out of their pen at 4:30am last week....
I can probably get a replacement cord, the camera is only a year old, hopefully it won't be too expensive. Thx RG!
Monday, June 15, 2009
I need a computer geek!
Help! I can't get the pictures off my camera!!! And I have a really cute one of Cinnamon I want to share with you. When I insert the plug into my camera (the other end is always plugged into the computer USB that I never remove) the computer tells me "USB device not recognized." Worked just fine 2 weeks ago, and for the last year for that matter, so why now. I have unplugged, restarted, turned on/off to no avail. I MUST get the pics off my camera!!!
Oh and I hate Microsoft and Dell. Just incase you all were wondering. Someday I want to get a MAC!
Oh and I hate Microsoft and Dell. Just incase you all were wondering. Someday I want to get a MAC!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Backyard cat has a friend
Well Max cat is still hanging around. The indoor peeing doesn't happen as often as it first did (I still have a tarp on the couch, just in case). Max has brought a friend, I named her Stormy. She has worms and I gave her medicine for it, on wet food, but she didn't eat it. I thought all outdoor cats would love wet food, lucky to get a meal even. Oh well, I will try again with different food. Stormy is more skittish than Max, but I was able to cut most of the big balls of hair off of her. Yuck what a mess she is. I brushed her this morning and she looks like a whole new cat!
It was hot this week. But indoor buns and outdoor buns did well. Outdoor buns got frozen water bottles and a fan. Indoor buns (and cats) got wet towels to lay on and a fan. Still, it was miserable for all of us.
Here is Gixr (we now call Mr Pee Pee) looking out to those he wants to beat up.
It was hot this week. But indoor buns and outdoor buns did well. Outdoor buns got frozen water bottles and a fan. Indoor buns (and cats) got wet towels to lay on and a fan. Still, it was miserable for all of us.
Here is Gixr (we now call Mr Pee Pee) looking out to those he wants to beat up.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Need your cat advice.
Off the rabbit topic for a minute. We have had a cat living in our backyard for about 2 months now. He is ssooo sweet! We don't think he belongs to anyone, we put up flyer's and no one called. We were feeding him when it was really cold out, but not anymore, he has mice. We named him Max.
We have 2 problems with Max:
1. He is upsetting our indoor male cat, who is now peeing all over the house. (Already took indoor cat to vet, it's behavioral.).
2. Max has worms and both ears are infected.
Max belonged to someone, he is not feral. I can pick him up and do just about anything to him. I clean his ears. He is so playful. I know we should take him to a shelter, but there are already so many unwanted cats at shelters; I also don't want to take him to a shelter when he is sick. What to do...
We have 2 problems with Max:
1. He is upsetting our indoor male cat, who is now peeing all over the house. (Already took indoor cat to vet, it's behavioral.).
2. Max has worms and both ears are infected.
Max belonged to someone, he is not feral. I can pick him up and do just about anything to him. I clean his ears. He is so playful. I know we should take him to a shelter, but there are already so many unwanted cats at shelters; I also don't want to take him to a shelter when he is sick. What to do...
Here he is on our table on the back porch.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Easter!
Cinnamon and Bambi got a new basket (which is actually an old basket that has been sitting in the pantry for 2 years). They both started eating it right away, guess Cinnamon found if comfy too.
Monday, April 6, 2009
My favorite bunny pic.
And it's not even one of my bunnies. This is one of my Bunspace friends. He went over the Rainbow bridge last year. His name is Mike and looks a lot like my Cinnamon. But this is the most precious thing I have ever seen.....
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